RISE – Day 26


Day twenty-six – Today is day twenty-six. Today I want to point out a lesson from one of the miracles of Christ. Do you remember when he healed the blind man? Do you remember that Christ asked him “What do you see?” What was his response? He says something really strange. He says, “I see men like trees.” Now, that is kind of odd. Since when are men like trees? What does that mean?

Well, the miracle was instantaneous, but the understanding of the man was not. For the first time he saw! It was a fabulous thing, but imagine what it must have been like. Having never seen men before the mind was racing to make connections between the words and the images now before him. His eyes were open, but he didn’t fully understand all he saw. It would be you or I seeing something for the first time. We might ask, “What is that?” We might even make up our own terms for something to help us create a frame of reference.

In our transformation process your eyes will open to many new spiritual possibilities and you may not understand. It may not harmonize with what you once thought. It may not be what you were once taught. With spiritual matters this can be hard ground to stand on. All too often we are trained that “seek the old paths” means that we simply do and understand things the same as generations past. We feel a pressure to ignore greater understanding and “new” concepts, not because they are unscriptural, but because we have lacked understanding previously.

When the freshness of God’s word opens itself to us (and it must be God’s word…not ours) we ought to receive it readily and fully. It may be uncomfortable at first. It may be odd and perhaps even against the grain. But if it is truth then who can refuse it. Don’t let these truths be ignored. Don’t let your study and God’s work on your heart be wasted by resorting to defaults.

Today is day twenty-six. It is not only another day of study, but a day of prayer as we ask for God’s wisdom in understanding His word and ways.

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