RISE – Day 37


Day thirty-seven – Today is day thirty-seven. Today we want to talk about setbacks. There are all sorts of setbacks you will encounter and we do not want to sound cliche, but the old saying here is true – “It’s not how you fall, but whether or not you get back up.”

Everyone of us will fall down. All of us will fail. Now that failure may look a lot like some of those old habits or parts of them and we may be tempted to simply say, “It is hopeless. I can’t do it. I can’t break this. It is too hard.” Folks, that is your adversary talking. You CAN change the way you think. You CAN change the way you act. You CAN get back up from the failure and ride hard to find success, truly transforming into the person that God wants and needs you to be.

The same goes for when others knock us down or our circumstances seem too heavy. Let us remember Job. Job didn’t do everything right, but he stuck it out and was blessed tenfold. He went from his home to the ash heap, but he never gave up. He struggled and floundered and suffered greatly, but he moved forward in faith (not having it all figured out or the answer) because he waited on the Lord.

Today is day thirty-seven. Today is the day to acknowledge setbacks…confess them, but put them behind you. Get them out from in front of you and keep climbing up that hill…no matter what it is. Oh! And don’t forget…there is lots of help for you out there.

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