RISE – Day 50


Day Fifty – Today is day fifty. It is hard to believe it, but it is our final day of transformation…or the beginning of transformation…or the first step in a long journey, the end of which is a closeness with God and Christ that nearly defies description, other than saying you are a “new creature.”  Today is the day that we talk about death. What? Death? Oh! you thought this was about living?

Well, actually it is, but the Bible and Christ teach us that the only way to actual live is to die first. The seed of spirituality requires death and the rich fertilization of a life sloughed off…the desires and flesh of the old man let go. No transformation is complete or can really begin until we take this step. Once in an interview and Airborne veteran of WWII said, “When the light turns green and I step out that door, suspended between heaven and earth, I consider my self dead already. For the seconds and minutes of my free fall, what happens is in the hands of God fully.”

That, my friends is the daily walk of the child of God. Each day must be seen not a function of our thinking, feeling, desires and actions, but rather as a fill sacrifice and free fall in the hands of God. Each day we must picture our toes on the the cold, hard, metal frame of the world; our feet anxious to move forward; the light always green; Christ calling us to let go and step boldly into the heavens. Paul perhaps said it best when he claimed, “I am crucified with Christ, nevertheless I live. Yet not I, but Christ, lives in me.”  Life begins when we acknowledge a death to self…a death to sin…a death to desires of the world and love of all that it is.

Today day Fifty. Today is the day you died so that He might live in you. Today is the day you come fully alive and let His light beam through you for the world to see and embrace.

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